The spirit is our inner self, our essence, our life force. During our lifetime it is focused
within the vehicle that is the body. When that body is no longer capable of housing the spirit, the spirit departs and ascends, free to travel unrestrained, well outside of the confines that our limited human
senses and perception place on the universe.
Given an infinite number of choices, the spirit may choose to remain close to the familiar for a time. Detaching from those people and places which are dear may be as difficult after this life as it is in this
life. A spirit may wish to extend protection and assistance to loved ones who have not yet ascended into the same realm as the spirit. A spirit may feel the pull caused by the unwillingness of people to release
their attachment to the ascended. Sometimes a spirit may have knowledge they wish to impart or have messages for the living. In some cases a spirit may have ascended with matters unresolved.
A medium is a person who has the ability to provide a channel of communication between between those that exist in their spirit form and the people that wish to have contact with them. Such communications
give us the opportunity to know if a spirit is as peace, to know if there are unresolved issues, and to be given insight. It gives us the opportunity to communicate our emotions and our wishes to the spirit.
It can also be a very important step in the process of recovering from the grief of loss.
As a spirit medium it is my privilege to be this channel of communication, to be able to bring people reassurance and closure, to bring loved ones
together, and to help bring peace to both a spirit and those from whom they have departed. The fee for a session is $125.