Stress Management

Helping you become all that you can be therapist Kyri Spencer

Stress affects our health and wellbeing, our relationships, our productivity, and the overall quality of our lives.  Stress affects  the chemistry of the brain and the body and the results can be mood swings, anger, depression, insomnia, high blood pressure, or hypertension.  Addressing stress with cigarettes, alcohol, or pills is only passively lessening or masking the symptoms, it is not taking an active part in combating stress and not allowing it to get a foothold.

I offer stress management therapy that involves a holistic and comprehensive approach to combating stress and its effects. Using guided meditations, visualizations, hypnosis, sound, and breathing techniques, not only will your current state of mind be addressed but you will be given tools which you can later use to defend yourself against further challenges to your peace of mind and body.  You will then be better able to face the challenges of life with self confidence, the result of an improved self esteem and self image.
Stress management sessions are $75.

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